
About Pierre Campbell

Known for his authentic style and passion as a Leadership & Personal Development Coach and Mentor, this Queens, New York native is an empowering speaker who infuses hope, positivity and action into each and every presentation. Pierre’s personal approach encourages participants to achieve their desired results through the power of positive thinking and proactivity.

Pierre develops leaders, managers and athletes by instilling a heightened sense of confidence and honing their ability to work effectively in teams through self-awareness, self-exploration, and acceptance. These same traits earned Pierre the college football Hall of Fame Award, a successful career as a professional Arena football player, and the opportunity to further develop as a leader and mentor as a Campus Director at a major university. Pierre earned a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and an MBA with a concentration in Human Resources.

"T.O.D.A.Y - Is The Only Day Actually Yours"

- Pierre Campbell

Simple Intelligence

With over twenty years of Leadership Development experience in Operations Management, Recruiting, Sales, Motivational Speaking and Mentorship, Pierre is a dynamic development coach and mentor with demonstrated achievement. His exceptional communication style and leadership development techniques allow him to break through corporate cultural barriers to maximize the talents of each team member, exceed team expectations and explode myths about how to make a company profitable. All of this, Pierre explains, can be achieved by maintaining a keen focus on personal development.

More importantly, what Pierre teaches us transcends business. His philosophy touches on each aspect of our lives and ultimately propels us all into the stratosphere of our own being and potential as leaders in our careers and in our lives. The “PierreCamp Experience” creates value for each individual participant by exposing the meaning and purpose of leadership and its impact on each life.


"The Journey"

Pierre Campbell | Leadership Coach

"Discover Your Value"

Pierre Campbell | Northern Virginia Community College

What we are about

The Mission

To encourage, through positive reinforcement, the exploration of self-awareness, its impact on the developing leaders ability to be their true self at all times and their ability to become a strong, effective leader and contributor to the organization, team and family.

The Vision

To introduce the concept of gratitude and love into the conversation of how to encourage, develop and grow leaders based on their personal strengths and weaknesses to maximize the success of the individual and ultimately the organization, team and family. The expansion of the Leadership Series includes a network by which leaders are inspired by the stories of leaders around the world.

Why I Coach Leaders!


The Leadership Network Team

The Leadership Network Team is a collaboration of experts in their respective fields, ranging from public speaking and training, to specialized subject matter in Leadership and Corporate development.

Client Testimonials